Thursday, February 26, 2009

I spoil my friends.


Anonymous said...

I must concur, Penny Karma spoils her friends.

Thank you again for the awesome sheets, and a wonderful day.

Speed Racer

ChestyLove said...

I'm still waiting for my Sean Connery sheets, you tease. word verification is "comess". Isnt't that sort of what you had on your sheets that one day, when you told Beeb you'd just blown you nose on them??

Ba-doom-doom. I am on FIRE tonight!!

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

Yorkie is En Fuego, per siempre.

JRS said...

Great glasses! (Yours, obviously!)

Anonymous said...

So wait... That's NOT smoke coming out the back of the Mach 5????


Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

So glad you didn't go with the Oil Slick...

Anonymous said...

There was some uncertainty if the oil slick would have been funnier.

Speed Racer

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

Would have been ickier, for sure.

Anonymous said...

woohoo - I snuck an Indigo Girls reference by PK :)

That should be good for a prize! I'm thinking a free pass on a question during the Star Wars Trivial Pursuit game....

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

Gittin nervous??

Oh, if only they made an Indigo Girls Trivial Pursuit.

Anonymous said...

Nervous? not at all. Just trying to help you have an excuse for why you lost.

Speed Racer