Check it out!!!
I'm the featured FOLOTD today!!!!
(Friend Of List Of The Day)
I guess if you send Cary enough pictures of your boobs, eventually he caves. :)
Anyway, welcome, welcome! Thanks for stopping by! If you read and love LOTD as much as I do, you're already a friend of mine.
My recent posts aren't really my best work, so to give you a brief overview of what I generally talk about here, I've conveniently highlighted a couple of my favorite posts (which, conveniently, also link to other posts). Grab a snack. You could be here a while. :)
Year-end Reflections 2008
Year-end Reflections 2007
Or, if you're really in a hurry and are looking for the Express Lane, this one's pretty good. It'll at least give you a sense of what you'll see on my blog:
My First Mammogram
Hope to see you back!
- PK
I needed more than a snack when I went reading all the back posts.
A hint - step away from the computer when eating or drinking, because there is a high probability that whatever it is will end up all over your keyboard and monitor.
You have been warned.
And if it will get me a flash of PK boobies, I’ll put a link to this blog on my blog!
Hee! And that's an awesome pic of you in the sidebar, too. Go you!
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