What began a few years ago as a Knitting Blog has devolved into something far more sinister. "She was a lovely girl, prone to frequent fits of tornadic creativity..."
You've got to wonder about how some things get approved... How did they not know what "TWAT" means?
Kinda like naming a Mexican restaurant "Chi-Chis," which evidently is slang for "tits" Or Taco Bell calling a messy burrito the "chilito" for a while (now called the "chili cheese burrito") - evidently in some parts of the Spanish speaking world, "chilito" is slang for a small penis.
The rumor was that the First Unitarian Church of Knoxville became Knoxville Unitarian Church when they started their softball team...
Is it just me, or isn't it just a tad ironic that you are publishing a copyrighted sign that is proposing total war against theft of copyrighted material?
I would like to add that I am in love with Siress Yorkie and her awesome British accent that she must have.
Rip - I don't see a copyright symbol on the sign. We all know that our Dainty Ms. Penny Karma would never do anything so villainous as to post copyrighted materials… She’s too busy making cakes. Or knitting egg cozies.
Hey there, I'm Sarah! Part-Time Stay-At-Home Mom, Full- Time Evil Genius. Matriarch of the World-Famous Ape Squad (Beebie, Ry the Pie, and Tito).
Mainly, I write about my knitting and the things that interrupt it - kids, depression, poop, and my everyday struggle to survive in the oppressive wasteland of Suburbia.
I'm not here to blow sunshine up anybody's ass. We're not gonna sit around holding hands and singing Kum Ba Muthahfuggin Yah.
**Check out the new audio clip on my profile. NSFW, of course.**
Rated R For Language and Nudity. Just kidding about the nudity. Maybe.
I'm Not Kidding.
Seriously, if the F-word offends you, you should probably get the f*ck out now, because I can get pretty f*ckin pissed off sometimes. There are days when it f*ckin rains F-bombs in this muthahfuggah.
If only you could photoshop yourself so it looks like you're holding up the sign...or it's atop your house...
I was always quite good at fanning flames...
My verification is coenty which to me, sounds like "cunty", not perhaps a ghetto-er version of twatty?
That. is. awesome!
Isn't it!!??
I totally want to put it on a T-shirt... but I guess it would be more appropriate on a pair of panties.
Yorkie, it's so hot that the word TWAT makes you think of me. ;)
You've got to wonder about how some things get approved... How did they not know what "TWAT" means?
Kinda like naming a Mexican restaurant "Chi-Chis," which evidently is slang for "tits" Or Taco Bell calling a messy burrito the "chilito" for a while (now called the "chili cheese burrito") - evidently in some parts of the Spanish speaking world, "chilito" is slang for a small penis.
The rumor was that the First Unitarian Church of Knoxville became Knoxville Unitarian Church when they started their softball team...
Is it just me, or isn't it just a tad ironic that you are publishing a copyrighted sign that is proposing total war against theft of copyrighted material?
I would like to add that I am in love with Siress Yorkie and her awesome British accent that she must have.
Rip - I don't see a copyright symbol on the sign. We all know that our Dainty Ms. Penny Karma would never do anything so villainous as to post copyrighted materials… She’s too busy making cakes. Or knitting egg cozies.
I really need to watch what I have on my screen when people walk up behind me at work!
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