One of the perks of not having a job...
is that I get to play YouTube clips all day if I want to.
(READ: Don't play it if you're at work.)
is that I get to play YouTube clips all day if I want to.
(READ: Don't play it if you're at work.)
Thus Spake
Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom
10:17 AM
Annnnnnd random comment.
That is pretty funny.
Definitely a nice break from the homework.
BTW, is that Christopher Walken??
(goes to induce vomiting to rid myself of sin)
Bwa ha ha ha ha! That is too funny. Hee hee!
Hi PK,
My comp is having issues and wont let me view vid clips (even tho' I have QT pro).
What's the vid and can you tell me the url.
OMG that's the best I've ever seen Mr Walken. I thought I'd break something I was laughing that hard. Simple things and all that.
So funny!
Must. Stop. Rolling. On. Floor.
OK, the first time, I went almost to the end without getting it. (Embarrassing, I know.) Just watched it again once I caught the pun. Definitely not ready for prime time!
What I want to know is which writer figured out that "Colonel Angus" pronounced with a Southern accent does not sound the same as Colonel Angus pronounced in other areas of the country?
Because I want to meet him. Or her.
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