Friday, December 12, 2008


It's every bit as weird as you could probably imagine.
But in a good way.

Don't ask me how I know.


ZantiMissKnit said...

I'll take your word for it.
My niece is in love with him, and has been since she was practically a toddler!

JRS said...

How could Billy Idol be bad?! He's so awesome. I mean, how else would I have been convinced as a 12-year old that I needed to try to spike my (brunette) hair with (white) Crest toothpaste?

Anonymous said...

Please tell us you didn't really listen to that...

I mean, the frosted tips on his hair scream "Cheezy Christmas Decoration" but yikes! a sport coat? Billy Idol???

I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth.

darlene mcleod said...

Oh. My. Word.

I could only get through half of Jingle Bell Rock on Youtube. I had to turn it off. I can't expose my daughter to such atrocities at such a young and impressionable age.

I can't wait to show DH!! Haha!

Bezzie said...

But is it so bad it's good? I love me some shitty holiday music!

Kashmir Knitter said...

"I'm dreaming of a white wedding...." Wait, what?

ChestyLove said...

Does he do the lip twitch snarly thing?

I bet that ring on his finger is full of crack or nitro glycerin or something that totally kicks butt.

Batty said...

Whoa! That looks like a so-bad-it's-good release.

Tactless Wonder said...

You know you're "too old" when the young rockers you grew up banging your head too and were so much better off forgotten, come back to make holiday music...

Amanda said...

It may be perfectly OK, but that album cover alone makes me want to gouge my eyes out.


Kevin C said...

Awesome one, KK!!! I was thinking of "I'll be Jingle Bell Rocking by myself" but yours is way better!

Word verification - botize: What Billy Idol will be wearing at least one of on his next holiday album cover.