What began a few years ago as a Knitting Blog has devolved into something far more sinister. "She was a lovely girl, prone to frequent fits of tornadic creativity..."
Hey there, I'm Sarah! Part-Time Stay-At-Home Mom, Full- Time Evil Genius. Matriarch of the World-Famous Ape Squad (Beebie, Ry the Pie, and Tito).
Mainly, I write about my knitting and the things that interrupt it - kids, depression, poop, and my everyday struggle to survive in the oppressive wasteland of Suburbia.
I'm not here to blow sunshine up anybody's ass. We're not gonna sit around holding hands and singing Kum Ba Muthahfuggin Yah.
**Check out the new audio clip on my profile. NSFW, of course.**
Rated R For Language and Nudity. Just kidding about the nudity. Maybe.
I'm Not Kidding.
Seriously, if the F-word offends you, you should probably get the f*ck out now, because I can get pretty f*ckin pissed off sometimes. There are days when it f*ckin rains F-bombs in this muthahfuggah.
If I had a girlfriend/wife who was HALF as hot as you and just as smart and funny as you are, I would be in HEAVEN!!!!
L's alter ego Joel
I love the shirt! I need that shirt! Where have you been all my life, your Evilness?
Evil Baritone
Oh man that's the best haircut ever! I was looking for a cut with that shape a few years ago when I was feeling sexier.
Where were you then??? All that time I could have been basking in the evilness that is Penny Karma!
That is a great haircut!
i have that exact toothbrush!
Man, I'm getting all tingly just lookin' at ya...ROWR!
Oooh, your haircut looks great!!
I do. . . I do!!!
Oooh, sex-ay! And the shirt adds just the extra naughty touch you needed to make you completely irresistible.
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