Saturday, October 13, 2007

Catching Up!

I have officially arrived!

The first thing I moved was my stash. And I figure, if it can fit in a van, then it's really not that much, right? I've got it taking up about 30% of my new walk-in closet right now, and I don't think I've unpacked it all yet. But yes, my yarn is settling in quite nicely, and so am I. Not that I have any time to knit.

R's been working me like a rented mule. I ache everywhere. We moved most of the furniture already except for the computer desk, washer and dryer, and the entertainment center (which, sadly, doesn't fit in my bedroom). We moved all of the beds, the sofa, the bedroom furniture - ALL that shit - in the van. Wow, thank God I wrecked the Mazda!

I'll give you all the Grand Tour later. I just have a minute to put up the Blogstalking assignments. Last week was Three Things I Love and Three Things I Hate. I've been spending all my time at the new house, so all of the pictures are things that I love and hate there.

I love my garage door opener. So does Beeb, my former Garage Door Opener.

I love my new refridgerator because it has a little space just for frozen pizzas!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my king-size bed. Note that I was so excited about this bed that I took this pic before I'd even taken the headboard out of the packaging. And yes, it's been christened, thanks for all the inquiries.

And I know we were only supposed to do three, but I thought I should mention that I also love my dishwasher and disposal.

They keep my mind off the fact that the former homeowners had Duran Duran Album Cover wallpaper in the kitchen.

They also had some scary shelf paper, and I haven't decided yet whether or not it's just so awful that I actually like it. It's such a fine line between Kitschy and Tacky.

And finally, these little fuckers are ALL OVER the place. I've probably seen about twenty of them. Or maybe the same one twenty times.

This week's assignment is to find a sculpture or work of art that you find interesting. So here's a work of unusual art, I think. I opened a brand-new jar of peanut butter and it smiled at me! I bet no other Blogstalkers are using Jif as their medium of choice!


Bezzie said...

Nice place! I like your mushroom phallus shelf paper.'s going to be hard to top the Jif smile. Wasn't that one of their slogans? Spread a smile? Or maybe that was skippy. Either way your lid is cosmic.

Anonymous said...

THAT was a great post!
What are those yellow and white things on your headboard? I thought of MTv Cribs when I say your bed- "This is where the magic happens!"

maryannlucy said...

whoa, that wallpaper is offensive, but the shelf liner is so awful it is beautiful! You have to keep it, it would make you smile everyday.

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

OLPP - that's just the packaging on the headboard. When it was delivered I hadn't unpacked my scissors yet.

Elizabeth said...

When I was in 6th grade, our school had ancient early 20th century school desks, with inkwells(!), they were that old. And graffiti of the ages. We were allowed to cover the desk top with contact paper and I swear, I had that same mushroom contact paper that's on your shelves! Would I kid you?

The spiders give me the willies, but they probably are eating something else that you'd rather have even less, so maybe it's all a toss-u?

turtlegirl76 said...

That spider gives me the willies. Bleh.

Poops said...

I too have to give the shrooms shelf liner a big thumbs up. It is so ugly it's appealing, sort of like Steven Tyler and bulldogs.

Shrooms, man. The shrooms ROCK. Duuuuuude....

JRS said...

Yeah, I see the resemblance to Seven and the Ragged Tiger.

Mushroom paper? So kitschy that it's cute. That's my opinion. It actually looks like Japanese Superbuzzy fabric.

sophanne said...

Keep the shelf paper- lose the spiders-seriously- what if they bite. I hate that part.

Welcome Home!

Beverly said...

Keep the shelf paper! It's definitely more kitschy than tacky.

cpurl17 said...

On my list of little things that make me happy is to be the first one to dip my knife into a new jar of peanut butter. I think yours is a sign that you've come Home!

Eryn said...

Ack! Next time warn me that there are big ugly hairy spiders ahead!

I think the shelf paper is kitchy and kool, as long as it's behind cupboard doors. Then it's like a weird surprise every time you open the cabinet.

Jo said...

Ack! You made both me and DH squeal in fear at that spider picture.

Elspeth said...

Oh my God!!! We do have that same shelf paper in our closet! It was there when we moved in and we didn't bother to take it off, we just put our towels in on top of it. Someday I'll get a photo and show the Knitty group - so funny!

Rachel said...

Step on that spider before it eats your peanut butter.

Ed said...

So it was wool first, then sofa?

Hooray for Beeb no longer having to get out of the car in winter to open the door.

Really? A slot just for Pizza?

Scary shelf paper, by all means keep it for the "kitsch" but put it behind some very sturdy doors. Awful.

I keep my house spiders until they get as big as yours, then it's into the park with the horrible bloody things.

Love the peanut butter lid.

Made up that your all getting settled in.

Fantastic post.